A proud moment for us all 

On August 24, 2024, an important meeting organized by the Federation of Trade and Industry of India (FTII) was held at the well-known Constitution Club of India in New Delhi. The event was attended by respected leaders, including Harsh Malhotra ji, the Minister of Transport and Highways, Rajya Sabha member Naresh Bansal ji, Ramesh Khajuria ji, Chairman of the Ministry of Textiles, and Sunil Singhvi ji, Chairman of the National Board of Trade, Government of India.

During this special event, our respected Managing Director, Mrs. Veena Goyal, received the VYAPAR RATAN AWARD from the Federation of Trade and Industry of India. This award recognizes her outstanding contributions to the business world, especially as a rising woman entrepreneur.

Mrs. Goyal’s award is not just a personal success but also a big step forward for women in business across the country. With 28 years of experience in the industry, she has shown great skill, leadership, and creativity. Her journey as a successful businesswoman has inspired many women, showing that hard work, dedication, and vision can overcome obstacles and open doors for others.

This award celebrates her amazing achievements and honors her ongoing efforts to support and uplift women entrepreneurs. Mrs. Goyal’s leadership has played a key role in promoting growth, encouraging new ideas, and setting new standards in the business world. Her success story is a source of hope and motivation for women who want to make their mark in the business world.

We are extremely proud of Mrs. Veena Goyal and congratulate her on this well-deserved honor.




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