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PR in Australia After Study | Navigators Overseas

As a renowned global education hub, Australia is an attractive destination for international students seeking not only high-quality academic experiences but also a diverse, welcoming, and dynamic living environment. For many students, the opportunity to build a life in the ‘Land Down Under’ does not end with their studies. The possibility of applying for PR in Australia after study opens doors to further professional development and a unique lifestyle brimming with opportunities. This path, however, is not without its intricacies.
Let’s first address the question:

How to get PR in Australia after study?

Applying for PR in Australia after study requires meeting specific eligibility criteria, choosing the right skills from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL), demonstrating English language proficiency, and successfully navigating the visa application process. This article aims to guide you through these steps, providing crucial insights to help simplify your journey towards attaining PR in Australia after your studies.

Eligibility Criteria for Permanent Residency in Australia After Study

Eligibility Criteria for Permanent Residency in Australia After Study

Australia, renowned for its pristine landscapes and vibrant cities, has been a magnet for international students from all around the globe. As they wrap up their educational journey, many of these students ponder the possibility of making Australia their permanent home. We’ll unravel the intricate details of the eligibility criteria required for securing PR in Australia after your studies. 

Skill Selection

Choose a course aligned with the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) to increase PR chances.

Visa Eligibility

Once you’ve chosen a skill from the SOL, the next step involves determining your visa eligibility.

The most common PR options in Australia after study for  international students seeking PR are the

  •  Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) and 
  • Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190). 

The choice of visa depends on your skill selection, your points in the Points Test (which evaluates factors like age, skills, and language proficiency), and whether you hold a nomination from an Australian state or territory government.

English Language Proficiency

To establish this proficiency, candidates must undertake tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), or Pearson Test of English (PTE). While the minimum score varies per visa type, a higher score can significantly enhance your application.

Health & Character

 To protect its residents, Australia requires PR applicants to undergo a medical examination and provide a police clearance certificate. This certificate must be from every country where you’ve lived for 12 months or more in the past 10 years. These requirements are designed to ensure that you pose no risk to the Australian community.

Proof of Funds

Finally, applicants must provide proof of sufficient funds to support themselves in Australia. This is a pragmatic requirement, ensuring you have the financial means to cover your living expenses. The amount required varies based on your individual circumstances and the type of visa you’re applying for.

By understanding and meeting the eligibility criteria – from skill selection and visa eligibility to English language proficiency, health and character requirements, and proof of funds – you’re well on your way to making the ‘Land Down Under’ your permanent home.

Apply for PR in Australia After Study

Apply For PR in Australia After Study - Navigators Overseas

Australia, known for its impressive academic institutions and quality of life, has become a popular destination for international students. The idea of extending their stay beyond studies often leads these students to explore the pathway to Permanent Residency (PR).

The Four-Step Process

The PR process in Australia after study involves a systematic process that can be broadly divided into four steps:

Step 1: Compiling All Necessary Documentation and Information

A well-prepared application begins with the collation of all essential documents.

  • Academic transcripts
  • Qualifications
  • English language proficiency test results
  • Evidence of identity
  • Police clearance certificates
  • Financial stability.
  • Medical Reports
  • Skillset
  • Character assessment
  • Financial stability.
  • Work experience certificates
  • Any other required documents

Step 2: Identifying the Right Visa Category

Once your documents are ready, it’s time to select a suitable visa type.

  • Skilled Independent Visa (Subclass 189) and 
  • Skilled Nominated Visa (Subclass 190),

are popular pathways for international students seeking Permanent Residency (PR) in Australia.

The choice depends on factors like your skillset, the points you score in the Points Test, and potential nominations from an Australian state or territory.

Step 3: Lodging the Application

The next phase involves submitting your application. This can be done either online via the Department of Home Affairs website or through a registered migration agent. Ensure you have correctly filled in all details and attached the required documents to avoid delays or rejection.

Step 4: Making the Visa Application Payment

Upon successful submission of your application, the final step involves paying the visa application fee. This fee varies based on the visa subclass and is a non-refundable payment made to process your application.

Processing Time and Potential Roadblocks

Processing Time And Potential Roadblocks for PR in Australia

The duration of the PR application processing can vary and may extend up to several months. Delays might occur due to incomplete applications, slow responses to queries from the Department of Home Affairs, or delays in external checks, such as health and character assessments. Patience and prompt responses can help mitigate these delays.
Applying for PR in Australia after study can seem overwhelming, but breaking it down into manageable steps can simplify the process. By understanding and carefully executing these steps, your dream of living and working in Australia can become a reality.

What Comes Next?

You’ve mustered up the courage and completed the mammoth task of applying for PR in Australia after study

Once you’ve successfully submitted your PR application and paid the required fees, a new phase of your journey towards becoming an Australian resident begins. This phase is marked by patience, preparation, and keeping your spirits high as you wait for getting PR in Australia after studying.

The Bridging Visa: A Safety Net

Post-application, you are typically granted a Bridging Visa. This visa comes into effect once your student visa expires and remains valid until a decision is made on your PR application. It essentially ensures that you can continue to stay in Australia legally while your PR application is under process.

Status Updates and Communication

Throughout the processing period, you may receive updates from the Department of Home Affairs regarding your application. It’s crucial to check your emails and the application portal regularly to ensure you respond promptly to any additional information requests. Speedy responses not only help avoid delays in your application process but also demonstrate your keen interest and commitment.

Preparing for Potential Outcomes

As you wait for the decision, it’s wise to prepare for all potential outcomes. If your application is successful, you will receive a Visa Grant Notification letter outlining the details of your visa. However, if your application is refused, understanding the reasons for refusal can help you rectify the issues and plan your next steps, which may include lodging a new application or appealing the decision through the Administrative Appeals Tribunal.

Continued Compliance

While you wait, remember to abide by all visa conditions and Australian laws. Any breaches could negatively impact the outcome of your application. It is also advisable to keep the Department of Home Affairs updated with any changes in your circumstances, such as a change of address, passport details, or family composition.

In summary, the period following the submission of your PR application in Australia is a blend of anticipation and diligent preparation. Although the wait may seem long, remember that every step brings you closer to your goal of securing a future in Australia. 

Top Tips for Success in Securing PR in Australia After Study

Tips for Success in Securing PR in Australia After Study

As an international student, taking the plunge to apply for PR in Australia after study is a life-changing decision. The journey, though exciting, is intricate and calls for meticulous preparation and strategic planning.

Start Early

The sooner you start understanding the PR requirements and the application process, the better prepared you will be. Start familiarizing yourself with the details early in your academic career in Australia to ensure you have ample time to meet all the prerequisites.

Choose the Right Skill

When selecting a skill from the Skilled Occupation List (SOL), make sure it aligns with your qualifications and experience. Remember, the aim is to show that you can contribute effectively to Australia’s economy. Therefore, having the required qualifications and experience in your chosen skill can make your application stronger and increase your chances of getting PR in Australia after study.

Improve Your English Proficiency

The importance of English language proficiency cannot be overstated for securing PR in Australia. Investing time and effort in improving your English language skills and securing a high score on the English proficiency tests can significantly boost your application.

Stay Healthy, Be of Good Character

The Australian government puts great emphasis on the health and character of PR applicants. Regular health check-ups and leading a life that’s compliant with the law will ensure you meet these requirements. 

Financial Stability

Proving that you have sufficient funds to support yourself in Australia is a key criterion. If your finances are in order, it helps to demonstrate that you can live independently and contribute to the economy.

Stay Up-to-Date

Immigration laws and regulations are subject to change. Staying up-to-date with the latest information will help you to avoid any unexpected obstacles.

Seek Professional Help

If the PR application process feels overwhelming, don’t hesitate to seek professional help. A registered migration agent can provide valuable advice and guide you through the application process.

Patience is Key

The PR process in Australia after study can be time-consuming. Staying patient and not rushing through the process can ensure that you submit a complete and accurate application, thereby increasing your chances of success.

The journey towards securing PR in Australia after study may seem daunting, but with the right approach and guidance, it’s a perfectly achievable goal. These tips are your compass, guiding you on this journey to success, and ultimately leading you to your new life in Australia.

Accurate Information

Providing accurate information is paramount throughout the PR application process. Whether it’s about your work experience, education, or personal details, each piece of information must be accurate and verifiable. Discrepancies or misinformation can lead to application refusal or even a ban on future applications. Therefore, ensuring the accuracy of all provided information is crucial for a successful PR application.

Preparing for the PR Interview

Preparing For the Australian PR Interview

A potential step in the PR application process is the PR interview. Although not every applicant may be called for an interview, being well-prepared can make a significant difference if you are. Here are some tips:

1. Understand your application:

Be familiar with every detail in your application as the questions will likely revolve around this information.

2. Be honest:

Honesty is the best policy. Providing false or exaggerated responses may lead to application refusal.

3. Stay calm:

The interview is not an interrogation but a conversation to know more about you. Stay calm, maintain eye contact, and answer the questions confidently.

4. Practice:

Practice with a friend or family member beforehand. This practice can help you answer fluently and confidently during the actual interview.


securing PR in Australia after studies is a journey that requires strategic planning, accurate information, and thorough preparation for potential interviews. Implementing these strategies and tips can significantly enhance your application, bringing you one step closer to calling Australia your permanent home. But navigating the complexity of choosing the right course, fulfilling eligibility requirements, understanding the educational system, and controlling costs call for careful planning and well-informed decision-making will lead to numerous benefits of having PR in Australia. This is where organizations that provide help, like Navigators Overseas Best Australia Study Visa Consultants in Chandigarh, come into play, providing crucial support and streamlining the visa application process for driven students.

So now, you know how to apply for PR in Australia after study?

Securing PR in Australia after study Visa opens doors to numerous opportunities and benefits, from enhanced career prospects to a high standard of living 🏞. Navigator Overseas also being the Best Australia Immigration Consultants in Chandigarh helps you understand the country’s welcoming immigration policies, coupled with its demand for skilled professionals across various sectors, making it an ideal choice for many international students seeking to make Australia their new home. 

In conclusion, securing PR in Australia after study can be a promising pathway towards an enriching future, both personally and professionally. So go ahead, dream big, and get ready to embark on a fulfilling journey down under.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I get PR after study in Australia?
Yes, you can, after completing the study, applying for a post-study work visa is the gateway to an Australian PR. This visa will allow you to work for up to four years after completing your study. During this time, you can work and gain experience to apply for a PR visa like a Skilled Independent Visa.

Can I apply for PR in Australia while studying?
A permanent Residence visa is different from a student visa in Australia. However, you can apply for a PR in Australia while studying, but the process may become very complex and lengthy. If you are eligible and meet all the requirements, Australian immigration will give you a bridging visa that will be valid until you get the PR.

How many years does it take to get PR in Australia for international students?
International students typically take 2 to 4 years to get a Permanent Residency in Australia. However, the exact length of time depends on many factors, such as the type of student visa, your country of origin, and, most importantly, the availability of any relevant visas.

Can I get PR in Australia after Masters?
Yes, you can definitely apply for a Permanent Residency after completing your Master’s degree in Australia. You will get a number of visa options available, such as the Skilled Regional Visa, Skilled Independent Visa, Skilled Nominated Visa, etc. You will get more related information from the Australian Department of Home Affairs.

Can I get a PR after doing a diploma in Australia?
It is possible for international students who have completed a diploma course in Australia to apply for a Permanent Residency. However, the Australian government has recently tightened the regulations and rules for getting a PR. So, you have to meet all the criteria. Best for you to take advice from an immigration lawyer.

Can I get PR in Australia after study?
Achieving permanent residency in Australia after completing your studies is attainable, regardless of your home country, as long as you meet the necessary points requirements. The Australia PR visa is granted through a points-based system. It’s essential to regularly review official notices and information to stay well-informed and up-to-date.

What are the chances of getting PR in Australia after Study?
A PR in Australia depends on your qualifications and eligibility criteria. Generally speaking, all Australian states have similar requirements for PR, and the process is pretty complex across the country. That said, some states may offer more opportunities for certain visa types.

How can an international student become a permanent resident in Australia?
As an international student, to become a permanent resident in Australia, you have to understand the  PR options in Australia after study available to you. Then you have to apply for the most suitable one providing all your information and documents. That’s how you can become a PR in Australia after completing your study.

What are the benefits of getting PR in Australia?

  • Enjoy the privilege of living in Australia indefinitely.
  • Gain the freedom to work without restrictions.
  • Have the flexibility to travel as you wish.
  • Access unlimited opportunities for higher education.
  • Become eligible to apply for Australian citizenship.
  • Secure rights for your children born in Australia.
  • Gain the privilege to sponsor family members.
  • Access healthcare entitlements and social welfare benefits.




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