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Germany is a federal parliamentary republic, comprises of 6 federal states. Its capital is Berlin. The major cities are Munich, Hamburg, Cologne, Dresden, and Frankfurt. Being a democratic nation, people can freely express and rely on the rule of law. As it’s a multicultural country, you will quickly notice that you are not the only person from overseas background.

In an international comparison, Germany is also one of the safest countries in the world. When it comes to petty and violent crime, Germany is low on any worldwide rankings. In a 2021 student survey funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, over 80% of international students report that they feel safe here. No matter, its day or night or you are in the city or countryside, being out is fairly safe.


Germany is known for the world class universities, academic excellence and cutting edge research. The top public universities charge nominal fee from international students. Germany has three types of universities viz. Academic Universities (above 100), Universities of Applied Sciences (above 165), and Colleges of Arts & Music (above 50).  Though English is spoken by 50% of people & the courses are taught in both German and English language, one can learn German language from a basic level. Majority of the institutes in Germany have a strong focus on academic research, innovation & technological inventions, proven by a number of 80 German Nobel Prize Laureates.

The universities bring a balance between modern scientific approach and traditional culture build over the centuries. Germany’s oldest university Heidelberg was founded in 1386 and Leipzig University in 1409 fairly shows how deep rooted is the education system here.


The German universities are super affordable for international students. In many public universities in Germany, the semester fee is relatively low as the public universities are state funded institutions which allow them to offer low tuition fee. Even Germany is more cost friendly for international students than other European countries. Diverse scholarships are designed to manage the cost of study and living. The scholarships are given on merit basis, offered by government & non-governmental organizations as well as universities themselves.

In order to obtain German study visa, the students should have German Blocked Account of Euros 11,208 (for a year). For housing, students prefer to stay in dorms & shared places in the expense of Euros 410 while for public transportation; one can get a pass which costs about Euros 49 a month. Health insurance is must for every international student.

Those who dream to study abroad, aspire for a life changing experience with quality education at a friendly budget, Germany is considerable and affordable choice for them. Hence, to clear the misconception, the higher study is not entirely free of cost in Germany but paid. The living costs vary depending upon the city. However, the quality of education is really appreciable with additional exposure to multicultural experience.


Living cost in Germany is affordable however International students often need extra money which they can earn by having opportunity to work in their spare time while studying in Germany. 20 hours per week is a limit to work in one semester. If you want to work more than the allowed hours, you have to take permission from the local employment agency & the foreigner’s registration office. But during the semester break you can work without restriction. International students may also complete internship or engage in self-employed activities while at university. However, any self-employed activity requires the approval of the competent foreigner’s authority. The authority will consider, among other things, whether the work is likely to hinder or delay the student in the pursuit of their academic goals or not. 

More importantly, the international students can switch to vocational training if they find their academic study program has less practical approach. For that, the residence permit will need to be amended as the permit for vocational education & training assessment is done by the Federal Employment Agency.

Lastly, you can search for the part-time jobs at; University Bulletin Board, University Career Centers & Online Job Portals. Asking from friends & fellow students is also not a bad idea. You may get more helpful leads. You can apply for German PR after the completion of five years of residence in Germany, also called German settlement permit. After completing the graduation, one can work for 2 years on work permit but your job should match with your academic qualification obtained in Germany.


Learning a new language means gaining a new perspective on life and your surroundings. Being bilingual or multilingual will aid you to make amazing friends, know about different cultures, as well as intimate you with other communities of the world. You will also feel more knowledgeable & accomplished. While studying in Germany, one will have plenty of opportunities to learn German language. As soon as you arrive in Germany, start learning the language. Do not limit yourself to your first language. Download a language learning app on your smart phone. Take the maximum advantage of technology which is just a click away from you. Communicating with native speakers will be a noble way to improve your academic capacities & cultural integration.


The diverse culture of Germany, awesome landscape makes it a good place to enrich students’ experience. It is a birthplace of the famous composer Ludwig Van Beethoven. Munich is known for traditional Bavarian cuisine, world class museum, and beautiful architecture. Berlin boasts of Berlin Wall, Mercedes –Benz Museum, Porsche museum, and Wilhelma Zoo. Cities like Stuttgart, Dresden offer unique blend of academic excellence and cultural abundance. Heidelberg city has its own historical charm. Brandenburg is best for preserving wild-life with dense forests, crisscrossed canals and around 3000 lakes. Thuringia has impressive culture & intellectual progeny. Hence, you’ll get more than enough by choosing Germany as your study destination.


  • FOM University, Germany
  • GISMA University of Applied Sciences
  • University of Europe for Applied Sciences
  • CBS International Business School
  • BSBI ( Berlin School of Business and Innovation )
  • IUBH, Berlin


  • Business & Management
  • Marketing & Research
  • Digital Media & Communication
  • Sports & Event Management
  • Engineering & Technology

Start your journey to study in Germany through Navigators Overseas. We offer our support till your dreams come true. For more information, you can visit our office at Sector 35 C Chandigarh.


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